Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hair Treatment atbp.

We left the office a little earlier than usual. Hubby was so eager to have my hair done. I told him few weeks ago about my plan of having a hair treatment because of my severe failing hair and very dry hair.The last treatment I had was February before our HK trip.

The plan was to have it done once we receive our bonus. However, hubby seems not used to have money inside his wallet (he is used in giving me all his php - I do the planning and spending. But I didn't get money from his collection this week).

I would not to have my hair done this early but he was just so exited about it.

So we went to Index Salon in Dasma Cavite. This is the same place where I had my hair rebonded for only 2k last January. I was advise that I should take the Loreal Power dose treatment for 1.1K (needed 2 bottles for my long hair). It was good after all. I was so satisfied with the result. The scalp massage was also so relaxing. I gave the "parlorista" a fair tip.

When we got out of the parlor, I saw a man selling "mangga't bagoong" (my favorite). I bought one and was not able to control myself....I ate it inside the car. Yummy.

Now... hubby is working at home again. This is also the reason why I was able to open my PC and blog. Hehehe.

1 comment:

... said...

Hello... I'm from Imus, and planning to have my hair rebonded over the long weekend. Can you kindly tell me where exactly is this Index Salon in Dasma located? Thanks very much!