Friday, July 18, 2008

Birthday Tag from Beverley Todd

I celebrated my birthday last Friday and I also got a birthday tag from my friend Issa! The tag is a part of Beverley Todd's 40th birthday celebration and you can view the instructions here. So if I tag you, you better spread the tag because there'll be lots of prizes to win. Happy Birthday Beverley!

Here are her questions and my answers...

1. What age was your best birthday (so far) & why? It was my 28th birthday. This is my last birthday as single. Hubby proposed to me that day. I also got lots of letters from my siblings. I got teary eyed reading those.

2. What was the worst? None, so far.

3. What is the best present you have ever received? If material thing, it will be the Guess Wallet from my sis last year. For something very special, it is the new life inside me from GOD.

4. What was the weirdest? Nothing I can remember right now.

5. Where would you most like to spend your birthday? Our home with my family. I just want a simple celebration.

6. What is your zodiac sign? Cancer

7. Chinese Year? Dragon ... powerful?!

Thanks for the tag Beverley and Issa... and now I will pass it to Meanne, Jenn, CV and Dianne.

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