Monday, February 11, 2008

Having a Hair Loss?

I have a natural wavy hair. This is the reason why I used to go to my favorite salon ever year to get a hair rebond. I had my first treatment 4 years ago and my latest treatment was just last month. I used to have a super black thick hair strands. But since I had my hair treatments, my hair strands changed color and become thinner.

Last month, before I had my hair treatment. I was so afraid of my hair loss. But I learned from surfing that my hair fall is just normal. I don't know of any treatment shampoo so I just tried using baby shampoo for a month. I also searched the web and found about the Provillus. Provillus is a hair loss product. There were a lot of reviews about it. It was on top of the list of hair loss products. According to the reviews this is the best hair loss product available in the market. Also, as per the Provillus reviews, this product works effectively for both male and female. My husband and I will surely try it once we experience severe hair loss.

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