Tuesday, October 30, 2007

DIY Trick or Treat Bags

Yesterday... hubby woke up early and started to work?!!! Yes, he worked on a holiday... at HOME. Hehehe. Well, I just let him work just to avoid arguments. Besides... lately, there was a slight improvement on his work attitude. So while he's working... I did some trick or treat bags for our village activity. See my simple works here. It was inspired by Sienna Lim's Article in Scrapbytes.

Pix of the bags here.

1.Cartolina (2 Orange and 1 Black) - used as bag, face (eyes,nose and mouth) and handle.
2. Stapler.
3. Tape.

COST of Materials:
Less than 30 pesos for a 38 bags (contents not included...hehehe). Not bad huh?

COST of Labor:
Priceless. Hehehe.

1 comment:

Benga said...

bloghopping lng =), super cool treat bags! galing!