Thursday, November 08, 2007

Growing Old

I believe that we have to treasure every day of our life. All of us will grow old. I still remember my childhood, grade school and college days. I used to dream what I want to be when I finish school. I have my wish list.Many years already passed. Some of my wishes came true some didn't. But even today, I still have my wish list. It keeps growing. But sometimes, I stop and think about me and my husband. When we get old and get sick, who would take care of us?

Life is tough nowadays. Every minute counts. Time is moving so fast. We would never know what could happen the next day. I believe that as early as now (although I think, it is already late), we should think of how we would like to be taken care of when we get old. Looking for nursing homes should be part of our plans for the future. We should also know what kind and type of care we would like to have or would need in order for us not to be a burden to our children.

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